Occupancy shows more than 100%

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(From Newsletter #48, Feb 2, 2020)

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Q: Why does the Occupancy report show more than 100% (or more than the possible number of nights)?


A: If you don't specify a Reservation Filter, it will include cancelled reservations, inquiries, and wait-listed reservations.  It would also include Owner reservations if you're using those, even if they're not on site, as well as Guest reservations, which would double-up occupancy.  Normally you don't want those considered as "occupied", so you need to set a filter (in addition to any other filtering you're doing).


1. On the report dialog, click "Reservation / Site Filtering".


2. In the filter, click "Reset Filtering" to make sure nothing is set by mistake (unless of course you're doing some other filtering on purpose).


3. In the "Reservation Type" list (1st list at the bottom), select all applicable types -- most notably, exclude any Guest, Owner, and Day Pass types.


4. In the "Reservation Status" list (2nd list at the bottom), select only Pending, Confirmed, Guaranteed, Checked In, and Checked Out (you can click-drag from Pending to Checked out to highlight all 5 of them at once).


5. Click OK.  Then make sure the 2 boxes are checked below the "Reservation / Site Filtering" button: "Use filtering" and "Save filter to use each time".


Now generate the report (if it's not auto-generating) and you should see the correct results.


Page URL https://CampgroundMaster.com/help/occupancy-shows-more-than-100.html

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